HomeDancersMelissa P

Melissa P

Allround Danceres

Name Melissa
Height 167 cm
Eye color Brown
Hair color Blond
Clothing size XS
Shoe size 36
Dance style Klassiek, Jazz, Modern, Streetdance, Tap Dance, Irish dance, Theatre Latin Partnering, Pop Musical Theatre Dance, Points
Dance experience
Efteling - Negen Pleinen Festijn – Symbolica; The
Christmas Show Assepoester en het Kerstbal; 2018
Efteling - Negen Pleinen Festijn – Symbolica; The
Christmas Show A Christmas Carol; Musical Drs. Down
o.l.v. Ivo Niehe en Lucia Marthas; All Together Now;
Musical Sing-A-Long Annie MG Schmidt; Dr. Shiver ft.
Jmi Sissoko – Brave Love